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Pana FFA Chapter Celebrates FFA Week

In honor of FFA week area high school chapters have made their way to WTIM studios to share their events, programs, and career development that they have found in their Future Farmers of America career. Members of the Pana FFA Chapter, Blyane Pope, Zoie Wemple, and, Izzy Reed broke down the year's activities and their roles within the FFA.

Community service has been a focal point for the Pana FFA as they participated in food drives, trash cleanup, and youth events to get the word out about the FFA.


Marketing events are an area where FFA members are tested with real-life skills. The members talked about what it took to make their initiatives stand out and become well-attended.


As with so many FFA members across the United States, these Pana FFA Officers will look to continue their agriculture focus as they head off to college.


The members praised the Future Farmers of America Group for strengthening their passion for agriculture, guiding them toward the next chapter of their lives with prior experience and relevant life skills.

Blyane Pope, Zoie Wemple, and Izzy Reed appeared as guests on the WTIM Morning Show.

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