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Taking a New Approach to the New Year's Resolution

January 17th is known as “Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day” or “Quitters Day”. A Forbes survey reveals that the average New Year's resolution lasts about three months, with only 8% of respondents sticking with their resolution for one month. With many of the same goals presented each year, like losing weight and gaining financial freedom, one professional sees the structure of these goals as creating barriers that make achieving a better life too tough in the New Year.

Valerie Belusko, Community and Economic Development Educator for the University of Illinois Extension, wants the community to be making S-M-A-R-T Goals. Smart stands for Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This categorization of goals will allow the person to see their resolution as something much more attainable, rather than thinking about just losing weight in general.


Belusko says many people's goals are too broad, making the thought of the change seem too lofty. Breaking up a goal or making it very specific leads to less confusion and a clear vision of your finish line.


A task many community members might be wanting to tackle in the New Year is cleaning the home. Again, Belusko says this is a general goal that when broken down and split across a time period, the goal is much more achievable.


Belusko concluded by saying each person is different and a resolution should make sense with one's lifestyle and interests.

Valerie Belusko appeared as a guest on the WTIM Morning Show.

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