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Illinois 4-H Achieves Greatness in Louisville

In a groundbreaking achievement, the Illinois 4-H made history at the North American International Livestock Exposition, securing two national championships in the same year. The Illinois 4-H Quiz Bowl team clinched the National 4-H Quiz Bowl title for the first time ever, while the Skillathon team secured their victory for the second consecutive year. Adding to the accolades, the Illinois 4-H Livestock Judging team was named the Reserve National Champion.


The Illinois 4-H Skillathon Team, comprising Davis Howell, Ellie Drach, Hannah Miller, and Adam Stuckemeyer, demonstrated their expertise by winning first place with an impressive score of 1,568 points. Individual highlights included Hannah Miller securing third place overall and Davis Howell placing sixth.


On the Quiz Bowl front, the Illinois 4-H team, led by coach Eric Fugate and Dale Hummel, emerged victorious with members Blaine Homann, Chase Hummel, Isabel Pistorius, Hunter Shike, and Olivia Shike. Chase Hummel and Olivia Shike earned individual honors by securing second and third place overall, respectively.


The Livestock Judging team, under the guidance of coach Brookshire, displayed exceptional skills, earning them the title of Reserve National Champions. The team's members showcased their prowess in livestock evaluation at the national level.


Coach Eric Fugate, hailing from Mahomet, Ill., praised the dedication and camaraderie of the Illinois 4-H teams, emphasizing the incredible desire for knowledge displayed by the participants. Fugate expressed pride in the teams' achievements, noting their role as each other's biggest cheerleaders and their commitment to uplifting teammates.


In reflecting on the success, Coach Brookshire highlighted the rewarding experience of working with talented and sharp young minds, expressing confidence that these individuals would become exceptional contributors to agriculture in the future.


The Illinois 4-H livestock Skillathon, quiz bowl, and livestock judging teams extended their gratitude to the Illinois State 4-H office and the Illinois State 4-H Foundation for their crucial support in attending and representing the state at these prestigious events.

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