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Taylorville's Safe Passage Program Spreading Sobriety

The Safe Passage Program here in Taylorville is making efforts to expand their comprehensive services to more cities and spreading sobriety to people in need. Countless community members have been shown the light through Safe Passage and one community member gave his story, divulging honest, personal information that many struggling with addiction could relate to.

Fred Delahunt, a Taylorville resident and a strong advocate of the Safe Passage Program, provided some history of initially struggling with addiction. Delahunt speaks on the current state of social behaviors and the male population, saying that seeking out help was the first hurdle to clear.


The journey to sobriety is different for each person. For Delahunt, his motivation to end using came from within, an aspect that he repeated, the person struggling must want to change. Now Delahunt uses his experience to help those in the Safe Passage Program.


Delahunt explains the beginning process of those looking to find sobriety through Safe Passage. The graduates of Safe Passage call the program “designed for living.”


After years of working the steps and staying consistent, Delahunt regained his relationship with his wife and kids, gained employment with the city, and is a beacon of hope for those dealing with addiction.


The Safe Passage Program is an extension of the Taylorville Police Department and is located at 108 West Vine Street in Taylorville. Coordinator, Denise Evans can be contacted at 217-777-0080.

Regional Radio News thanks Fred Delahunt for his honesty as his story looks to motivate others struggling with similar situations.

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