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State Senator Doris Turner Encouraging Breast Cancer Screenings

State Senator Doris Turner is marking National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by advocating for women to prioritize their yearly mammograms. Turner says that early detection stands as the most powerful weapon against breast cancer. This initiative aims to catch the disease at its earliest, most treatable stages.


Statistics from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation reveal a concerning trend: more Black women succumb to breast cancer than any other racial or ethnic group. Furthermore, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners highlights that breast cancer ranks as the primary cause of cancer-related fatalities in women aged 20 to 59.


The call to action is clear, women aged 45 and above are urged to schedule regular mammograms. They should also engage in conversations with their healthcare providers regarding their personal risk factors and the necessity of additional breast cancer screening. Effective breast cancer prevention strategies include staying physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and moderating alcohol consumption.


Senator Turner emphasizes, "If a woman suspects any issue, scheduling a routine mammogram can significantly enhance the prospects of successful treatment if needed. A simple screening can save lives."


The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is an important resource in this endeavor. Their Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program offers free breast exams and mammograms for uninsured and underinsured women. Additionally, the program provides support for diagnostic services and facilitates referrals to treatment options.


Those interested in enrolling can contact the Women's Health Line at 888-522-1282. The Health Line is ready to guide individuals through the eligibility criteria and the screening process, making it easier for women to access these critical services.

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