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Taylorville School District Announces Plans for Weather Emergencies

As winter's grip tightens, the Taylorville School District has released a detailed e-learning plan to navigate potential closures and emergency situations. The plan is available on the district's website and outlines guidelines for school closures, e-learning days, and emergencies, with student safety as the core of consideration.


In the face of changing transportation methods used by students and staff, the district emphasizes the different factors influencing closure decisions. While bus routes are a key consideration, the district acknowledges the presence of students walking or driving to school, as well as staff commuting from different locations. Temperature, wind chill, precipitation, and a combination of weather factors are carefully evaluated before making closure decisions.


Collaboration with other districts plays a crucial role, as the district engages in discussions to share programs and insights about their respective plans. The communication strategy involves regular updates through email, the student notification system, the district website, and media outlets. School closing notifications will be disseminated through various social media platforms and news media locations.


Parents and guardians are urged to stay informed through these communication channels, keeping an eye on potential cancellations not only for regular school days but also for other school events. The district expresses gratitude for the community's cooperation and consideration in navigating these challenges throughout the school year.


To see the E-Learning day plan for Taylorville school closures for the FY24-FY25 school years click


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